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Thank you for this incredible game!

It was very fun, the visuals are awesome, the music is comfy and the sound design is unreasonably good.

I really enjoy the checkpoint crystal design. Really makes the world a special place, when people create these comfy experiences. Thank you for this <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Snowflake may i ask you this who is the Pony i'm Playing as


Hi! It's an original character that only really exists for this game and one other artpiece I made. She usually spends Hearth's Warming Eve alone somewhere in the mountains and is a tad reclusive, but plenty friendly and optimistic aside from that.


What an adorably cute and fun little game this was! The ability for Nordic to catch and hang onto the edge of platforms and ledges really added to the experience, especially in the cave sections where the spikes were an actual danger. Definitely one of the best MLP fan games I've run across. Well done! 10/10


Thanks a lot for playing my game! And thank you for posting a video of you playing it. I always love seeing how people navigate my little challenges and react to the overall visuals!


Yeah, I really enjoyed it, you made quite the fun/cute little short adventure there.

keep up the good work!

Thank you!

Your welcome 

(1 edit)

Wow!!! I like it!! amazing game. 
i thinking what it again some small beta of small pony game but when i play more it was much more and cooler than i think! i like this some like-celeste parkour with ponies. Pretty cool! I reached the end of the game!

I am happy you enjoyed it and thanks a lot for the feedback <3

One of the best games i’ve ever played on itch! The level design is super cool, feels like you just went ham in the tilemap editor which is good because its creative. It reminded me of Diminish but maybe I’m just drawing random ties to stuff I like. The backgrounds, ho-ly, the assets look so good with the parallax and everything! Tilesets are super hard to draw.

Those lighting changes are really smooth, “There’s a day night cycle?!” It’s really unique, I’ve seen it before in Hollow knight and it super shocked me here. I think that the lighting cements the player into the world really well. The animations mixed with the speed you run at is just fun to control.

This is a super great section that I liked because it has a feeling of risk that only the ledge grabbing system can give.

Anyways, cool game! I’d love to play any other thing you’ve made


Hey, thanks a lot for the detailed feedback! I love seeing people enjoy the stuff I have made!

I have spent a good portion of my free time this past year on creating a new game based on this game's foundation. It looks pretty good so far! I might release a demo once I have finished a substantial portion of it!

Yoo that is so exciting!

very good!

Thank you!


This is such a great game, I love it.

You did well, I really enjoyed it. I had to play it more than three times.

Such a Great Game.


Hey, thanks a lot! I am really happy that you enjoyed it.


Loved this game. Definitely one of the best mlp fan games on the internet.


Truly love the background you added. Looks big, vibrant, and inviting!


Thanks a lot! I enjoyed drawing it


Wow! I love this game!

Great to hear! Thanks for the comment


simplemente hermoso, estaba dudando si tenia final o era infinito, pero llegar al final es ah... tan simple pero tan hermoso, un final perfecto.

 simply beautiful, I was wondering if it had an end or was it infinite, but reaching the end is ah ... so simple but so beautiful, a perfect ending

(oh ... and happy night of warm hearts to you too) [I guess I must have played it in December hehe]


Thanks a lot! I am happy you enjoyed it!

(: kirin

Adorable art!

very nice game i would not change a thing about i


Thanks for making this, it's fun!

I'm at the spot where it says "If your performance takes a hit here, press L to toggle fancy lights" and I can't jump high enough to progress any further. I'm on the web page version. Can't think of anything that will let me move forward.

I am glad you enjoy it!

I am not totally sure what you mean, but it sounds like the issue is that you continue to try progressing to the right. You need to go up to the left in the third level.